“Weighting Dimensions of Poverty based on People’s Priorities: Constructing a Composite Poverty Index for the Maldives”, with Martine Rutten, Working Paper No. 35, Q-squared, University of Toronto, April 2007 (http://www.q-squared.ca/papers35.html), and Discussion Paper No. 200708-01, Institute for International and Development Economics (I4IDE), Rotterdam, August 2007 (http://www.i4ide.org/content/wpaper/dp20070801.pdf), under journal review.
“Maldives Poverty Assessment”, Background Study for ADB’s Country Partnership Strategy 2008-2010, Asian Development Bank (ADB), April 2007, 66 pages“Vulnerability and Poverty Dynamics in the Maldives”, with Martine Rutten, Discussion Paper No. 200708-02, Institute for International and Development Economics (I4IDE), Rotterdam, August 2007 (http://www.i4ide.org/content/wpaper/dp20070802.pdf).
2004-2005Tsunami Impact Assessment 2005 (TIA); A socio-economic countrywide assessment at household level, six months after the tsunami, Republic of Maldives and UNDP/UNFPA, Male’, Maldives, 2006, 198 pages
Millennium Development Goals - Maldives Country Report 2005, Republic of Maldives, Male’, Maldives, 2005, 60 pages
Vulnerability and Poverty Assessment 2004 (VPA-2), Republic of Maldives, UNDP and World Bank, Male’, Maldives, 2005, 315 pages
Tinbergen-reader: De economist Jan Tinbergen; suggesties voor een profielwerkstuk, (co-author: Teun Schmidt), building blocks for the preparation of a so-called ‘profile essay’ that Dutch high school students are to write in their final year, disseminated to all 2,000 high school teachers of economics in the Netherlands, April 2003
Mapping Poverty and Vulnerability in Maldives (co-authors: Asim Ahmed, Mariyam Waheeda, and Anthony Dolman), Working Paper UNDP, 2000
Vulnerability and Poverty Assessment 1998, Republic of Maldives and UNDP, Male’, Maldives, May 1999, 247 pages
The International Glossary on Poverty, edited by David Gordon and Paul Spicker. Member of the international editorial board and contributor, Zed Books, London and New York, February 1999, 176 pages
Economie op school, wat heb je eraan? (Economics at school, is it useful?), (co-author: Leo Lodder), Economisch Statistische Berichten, Vol. 83, No. 4165, 4 September 1998
A Technical Note on the Human Vulnerability Index, UNDP, Male’, Maldives, April 1998
The Location of Poverty and the Role of the State, paper presented at the Eighth World congress of Social Economics, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA, July 31 - August 3, 1996
Vermeend treft laagste inkomens, (The Incidence of Direct and Indirect Taxes), NRC-Handelsblad, 13 July 1996
Het Meten van Armoede (The Measurement of Poverty), Economisch Statistische Berichten, Vol. 81, No. 4059, 22 May 1996
A Nondichotomous Concept of Poverty, contribution to A Glossary on Poverty Concepts, Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), April 1996
Comments on 'A Glossary on Poverty', paper presented at the meeting of the International Editorial Committee for A Glossary on Poverty Concepts, Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), London, March 1996
Poverty Zones in Pakistan, in P. Terhal and J.G. de Vries (eds.) Development, Transformation and State Policy, Manohar, Delhi, 1995
Jij-en-ik; waarde en moraal van de economische wetenschap (You-and-me; value and ethics of economic science), De Maandbrief, June 1995
Wij zijn veel armer dan Canada (We are much poorer than Canada), NRC Handelsblad, 30 May 1995
De Inkomensongelijkheid in de Wereld (The World Income Inequality), Economisch Statistische Berichten, Vol. 80, No. 3995, 1 February 1995
Incidence of Taxes and Transfers in Pakistan, Pakistan/Netherlands Financial Policy Analysis and Training Project, Ministry of Finance Pakistan and Erasmus University Rotterdam, Islamabad and Rotterdam, September 1994
Een Absolute Armoedelijn? (An Absolute Poverty Line?), Economisch Statistische Berichten, Vol. 78, No. 3906, April 1993, pp. 339-340
Armoede in Rijke Landen (Poverty in Rich Countries), Economisch Statistische Berichten, Vol. 78, No. 3903, March 1993, pp. 264-267
Location of Poverty in Pakistan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Poverty and Distribution, organized by the Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, November 1992
Executive Summary for the Economic Co-ordination Committee of the Cabinet (ECC) of publication no. 38, Islamabad, March 1992
Socio-economic Regions in Pakistan (co-author: Ivo Havinga). Paper presented at the Eight Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan Society of Development Economics, Islamabad, January 1992
Consumption behaviour in Pakistan, an application of the (extended) linear expenditure system (co-authors: Ivo Havinga and Jan-Berno van Lochem), Report for the Project on Improvement of National Accounts Statistics of Pakistan, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad, October 1990
Cotton and Rice Export Operations under the New Trade Policy 1987/88, World Bank Mission Report, Agriculture Sector Adjustment Loan Review Mission, Islamabad, Washington, November 1989
Pakistan's Agriculture Policy; Issues, Trends and Recommendations (co-author: M. Ghaffar Chaudhry), Report for the World Bank Agriculture Sector Adjustment Loan Review Mission to Pakistan, Islamabad, Rotterdam, Washington, November 1989
Unfair Distribution of Seats in European Parliament, Economisch Statistische Berichten (in Dutch), Vol. 74, No. 3715, July 1989
Some Developments of Income Inequality in Pakistan during the period 1979-1986/87 (co-author: N.M. Larik), A Summary Report to the Economic Co-ordination Committee of the Cabinet, Islamabad, July 1989
Growth, Employment and Education; An Application of Multi-criteria Analysis to Pakistan (co-author: Frank van Tongeren), The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 27, No. 4, Winter 1988, pp. 725-735, (an earlier draft of this article is Discussion Paper Series No. 82, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, August 1988)
Pakistan (co-authors: J.B.R. Dekker, N. van Duijn and J. de Vries), Royal Tropical Institute / NOVIB / SDU-publisher, Amsterdam and The Hague, ISBN 90.12.05731.0, 1988 (in Dutch)
A Comprehensive Framework for Income Inequality Decomposition. Paper presented at the International Workshop in Post-Keynesian Economics on The Distribution of Income: Functional, Personal and International, University of Tennessee, Gatlinburg, USA, June 26-July 3, 1988
Sources of Income Inequality in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 26, No. 4, Winter 1987, pp. 659-672
Difference between Rich and Poor Countries Less Sharp, De Volkskrant (in Dutch), 7 October 1987
The Structure of Income Inequality in Pakistan. Paper presented at the Fifth General Conference of the European Association of Development Institutes (EADI), Amsterdam, September 1987
Manpower-cum-Educational Planning Models; a comparison of applications to Bangladesh and Pakistan (co-author: B. Herman). Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of the Association of Dutch Economists (ECOZOEK), Amsterdam, May 1987
Multi-criteria in Development Planning; an application to manpower planning in Pakistan (co-author: Frank van Tongeren). Paper presented at the 24th European Meeting on Multi-criteria Analysis, Aix-en-Provence, France, October 1986
Inequality in the Four Provinces of Pakistan, The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 25, No. 4, Winter 1986, pp. 685-706
Income Inequality Decomposition; the case of Pakistan, Discussion Paper Series No. 75, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, April 1986
Application of a Data Base Management System, Workshop on the Wheat Market in Pakistan, Centre for Development Planning and Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, 1986
Changes in Poverty and Income Inequality in Pakistan during the 1970s (co-author: M. van Leeuwen), The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 24, No. 3+4, Autumn-Winter 1985, pp. 407-422
Consumption and Trade of Wheat and Flour in Pakistan; the Role of Public and Private Sectors (co-author: P.A. Cornelisse), The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer 1985, pp. 151-171
Wheat(flour) Consumption Survey Pakistan 1982, Working Paper No. 8a, Pakistan/Netherlands Project on the Operation of the Wheat Market in Pakistan, 1983
The Consumption of Wheat(flour) in Pakistan, Working Paper No. 8, Pakistan/Netherlands Project on the Operation of the Wheat Market in Pakistan, 1983
Note on Income Distribution in Pakistan 1968-78, Note to the Ministry for Development Co-operation, Rotterdam, February 1982
Analytical Set-up of the Wheat Study in Pakistan (co-author: P.A. Cornelisse), Working Paper No. 1 in the context of the Pakistan/Netherlands research project on the Operation of the Wheat Market in Pakistan, December 1981
A study of the Occupational and Educational Manpower Requirements and Supply of the Fifth Year Plan 1978-83 (in association with the Manpower Planning Unit), Report to the Government of Pakistan, Manpower Division, Ministry of Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistani, Islamabad, 1981
A Simple Model to Introduce Socio-economic Groups in Manpower Planning in Pakistan; an effort on the way. Paper presented at the Seminar on Models for Alternative Development Strategies, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, October 1980
Estimating Needs and Demand for Housing in Developing Countries; with an application to Korea (co-author: J.G. Waardenburg), The Seoul National University Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, December 1981
Potential Income Redistribution Effect on Household Consumption and Savings; a simple statistical test applied to the Philippines, Discussion Paper Series No. 50, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, January 1980
More Than One Basic Needs Strategies, Economisch Statistische Berichten (in Dutch), October 1979
The Effect of Tariff and Non tariff Barriers on U.S. Sugar Imports, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 115, No. 2, June 1979
The Chinese Countryside; many little states and one world government, Economisch Statistische Berichten (in Dutch), June 1978, and published in How Far is China, Erasmus University Rotterdam, August 1978
A Collection of Selected Statistical Data on Agricultural Processing Industries, Report presented to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Rome, Netherlands Economic Institute/Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rome July 1978
Estimating Needs and Demand for Housing in Developing Countries, with an application for the Republic of Korea, Part 2: Some simple models and empirical results (co-author: J.G. Waardenburg), Discussion Paper Series No. 38, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, October 1977
Estimating Needs and Demand for Housing in Developing Countries, with an application to the Republic of Korea, Part 1: Scope and setting of the problem (co-author: J.G. Waardenburg), Discussion Paper Series No. 37, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, September 1977
Effects of a More Equal Distribution of Income on Determinants of Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Economisch Statistische Berichten (in Dutch), September 1977
On the Equivalence of Tariff and Non tariff Barriers, Discussion Paper Series No. 32, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 1976
Housing Needs in Developing Countries (co-author: J.G. Waardenburg). Paper presented at the European Regional Conference of the Society for International Development, Linz, Austria, September 1975
A Note on an Income Distribution Projection Method, Note Series No. 3, Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 1975