
 “Weighting Dimensions of Poverty based on People’s Priorities: Constructing a Composite Poverty Index for the Maldives”, with Martine Rutten, Working Paper No. 35, Q-squared, University of Toronto, April 2007 (, and Discussion Paper No. 200708-01, Institute for International and Development Economics (I4IDE), Rotterdam, August 2007 (, under journal review.
 “Vulnerability and Poverty Dynamics in the Maldives”, with Martine Rutten, Discussion Paper No. 200708-02, Institute for International and Development Economics (I4IDE), Rotterdam, August 2007 (
                   “Maldives Poverty Assessment”,  Background Study for ADB’s Country Partnership Strategy 2008-2010, Asian Development Bank (ADB), April 2007, 66 pages
Tsunami Impact Assessment 2005 (TIA); A socio-economic countrywide assessment at household level, six months after the tsunami, Republic of Maldives and UNDP/UNFPA, Male’, Maldives, 2006, 198 pages

                    Millennium Development Goals - Maldives Country Report 2005, Republic of Maldives, Male’, Maldives, 2005, 60 pages

                    Vulnerability and Poverty Assessment 2004 (VPA-2), Republic of Maldives, UNDP and World Bank, Male’, Maldives, 2005, 315 pages


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